Today I'm excited to share all the adorable details of a Teddy Bear Picnic themed first birthday party we designed a few weeks ago. This was such a fun project, and I just loved the theme! With pieces of the decor and some stuffed bears that were special to the birthday boy, I styled a picnic themed shoot the day before the party for his smash cake and one year pics:
(and here's a behind the scenes shot of the photographer, the fabulous Joy Cannis, in action)
Speaking of behind the scenes, make sure you eat your Wheaties before your next toddler photo shoot, because it is a full on workout to get poses this adorably candid!
But the results are well worth the workout...
Clearly he didn't enjoy the cake...
After the cleanup, we turned the photo shoot space into a tableau in front of the steps. It created an adorable display near the front door and also helped keep little party guests from wandering upstairs.
The next creative challenge was bringing the outdoors inside. Since it's hard to have an actual Teddy Bear Picnic in January, we improvised! Mama bear wanted to figure out a way to hang a sun and clouds in the front entrance, so I whipped up these fluffy babies from paper lanterns and cotton batting...
The rest of the details from the picnic themed food to the honey bee cupcakes were just, well, unbearably adorable. (pun intended, couldn't help myself)
Of course, this party was BYOB (Bring Your Own Bear)
The kids loved the "picnic area" we set up on the floor for them with a front row seat to the smash cake action, and the parents loved that sticky fingers stayed off the furniture.
My thoughts exactly, buddy.
Design & Custom Decor: Sweetwood Creative Co.
Photography: Joy Cannis Photography